Sept 2021
We traveled up north back in Sept 2021, our route took us from home to Sudbury, Timmins, North Bay and Peterbourgh.
We did a small side trip to take mom back home. She was born in Kirkland Lake – a small mining town near the Quebec border.

This, we believe, from Mom’s memory was the home she lived in when they were in Kirkland Lake

Kirkland Lake is and was a mining town. My Grandfather worked at the mines when they lived there. Was nice to come across this memorial to the miners that built this town and the many that lost their lives in the mines.

I have to say that as nice as it was to see where my mom was born, I would not live in a town so far north. It was pretty but i could tell that the winters had to be brutal just by the conditions of some of the roads. The road where Mom’s old house sat, was awful, it was like driving over a a path that had been dug up and mounded up all over the place. They would not have a problem with speeders on these road, you could so easily ruin your car if you tried.
I think this was one of the best days of the trip for Mom. Although she was already showing signs of Alzheimer she did remember stories from back then and really that was a long way back, Mom was 6 or 7 i believe when they moved from Kirkland Lake to the bustling metropolis of Hamilton.
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