Every road trip Mom and I take start the same way .. with the “in the car” selfie

Of course the second thing is a stop at the closest Tim Hortons for a coffee and a box of Timbits to get us started.
That first day of a trip is always so exciting. You don’t know what you will discovery in the days to come – the possibilities are endless. Mom and I are really good travel partners as we both don’t mind getting lost and finding something new, taking a little side trip because of a sign we see at that side of the road or stopping at some out of the way restaurant. To us the trip is the thing, the destination gives us a target but it is what we find on the way there and in the days we explore the area around that are the real reason for travelling.
Road trips are our favourite way to travel now. We would like to travel farther but Mom gets confused, so easily, due to Alzheimer that I have found it is best to be able control our trips and if necessarily change or call it earlier. I can’t say we mind, Ontario is a wonderful and diverse area where we have seen much and found some interesting and beautiful places.
This blog will showcase those road trips along with our day trips and general times together – those memories I never want to lose.
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